Monday, 10 May 2010

Viking and Tentacles

So I've just finished up the Photoshopped model for Beardyman. Will probably need to go back and make some alternate versions, (such as a wartorn Beardyman) but I'm impressed with what I've made. I've done several handshapes and a few eye symbols to show his expression. I've also equipped him with a sword and a shield featuring the design of Wonchomp, a character created by ages ago by an online friend based on a mispelling of my name, turning out to be a cross between Wonchop and a Chain Chomp from the Mario series.

Considering the scenarios he's going to placed in, I've also thought about how to change the colour scheme to apply for various scenarios, such as the nighttime octopus battle or the fire sumo showdown. Here, I've done a little tinkering with saturation and colour filtering to accomodate to certain backdrops. I apply it to each part by using Photoshop's Actions feature to record an action and then replay it for each layer. Also, if you're wondering why there's only half a guy in each of those, it's because for certain bits, such as the limbs of the eyes, I only make one thing for the side, which I can then duplicate and mirror once I get it into Flash.

Next, I'm having a crack at getting the Ninja Octopus down. Regardless of whether I go with the style above for the Viking, I certainly wanna try representing the Ninja Octopus in as epic a manner as possible. Using a technique I learned during my brief stay in Gamer Camp, I used Photoshop's animation feature to draw out a four-frame animation for the tentacle, which is probably more industry like and whatnot. Nonetheless, it looks swell.

As for the unpaid hired help, I've contacted Devin Mack (Arrgh Idol) about doing some voices and he appears interested so I've sent him the script. I'm just waiting to hear from my missus. Speaking of which, I'll doodle up some more designs for her tommorow.

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